Wednesday, May 30, 2012

vivid 2012–Sydney’s Lightshow

24 – 30 May 2012

Once a year, for a couple of days, the coloured lights go on when the sun set behind the Harbour Bridge and the vivid festival starts. The Opera House becomes a screen for German artists and the skyline gets coloured with a lot of spotlights and sculptures. What a great event – for free! Even with my small camera I took some nice pictures. Get ready for an awesome lightshow – just brought to Sydney for me, I guess.

Additionally we enjoyed Sydney’s nightlife, went to the zoo and had a great time in one of my favourite cities around the world.


Last but not least I bought a Queensland Explorer Pass, a train travel pass which allows me to travel around Queensland for 3 month as much as I want. However, the friendly man at the travel agency wouldn’t recommend me the pass and the guy at the train station never booked any train with this pass. Finally I got a train ticket for Sunday, 31 hours from Brisbane to Cairns. Yes thirty-one hours, believe it or not. One train, one trip, one new experience. But now I have to catch my flight to Byron Bay first. 20 minutes to boarding.


Thanks to Brigit for those great days in Sydney!

Next stop Queensland…

PS: Malton, my travelmate from New Zealand, sold our van for a quite good price. What means, that New Zealand was not that expensive and the decision to buy a van was good. I trusted Malton and gave him the van and he sold it for us! Could it be better! Greetings to Malton in NZ and have a great trip bro!