Tuesday, May 1, 2012

North Island-New Zealand

22-26 April 2012 – The Nanny’s Life

In Auckland I slept at Florian’s guestfamilies’ house. Florian, who I knew from Germany already, since he was in Konstanz to celebrate New Year’s Eve with me and some other friends, is the families’ nanny for a year. He has to look after the children, bring them to school and cook dinner for the family in the evening. To be honest, this would never ever be a job for me. Not that I don’t like children nor that my cooking skills are that bad but for me, and may be just for me, it would be a waste of my time. However, it was very nice at Florian’s place, we had a good time and he has shown me a lot of Auckland and its surroundings.

Thanks to Florian for those great days in Auckland and the experience of being a nanny. 

25 April 2012 – Piha Beach – Surf Lessons (Part 2)

On Wednesday there was a bank holiday in New Zealand. Luckily Florian got free and we could drive to Piha Beach to improve our (very very little) surfing skills. The weather was great and the waves quite good but I could not even stay once on the board. Probably because of my too tight wetsuit. But I will keep on trying.





26-27 April 2012 – Waiheke Island – Some Beaches and Rain

The beaches were nice and the hostel one of the best (and most expensive) I stayed in but in total Waiheke Island wasn’t stunning at all. But the skyline of Auckland, seen form the ship, was quite good. Am I getting tired about travelling or is it just the fact, that I expected much more form New Zealand than I have seen till now?





27 April 2012 – Wellington and the Ferry to the South

After 1 week on the northern island, we (Malte, who I met on Waiheke Island and I) headed to the south island. From Auckland we took a Naked(night)bus to Wellington. It was “just” a 11 hours bus ride but the busses were much worse than in South America. There were like the busses you know from Germany, very uncomfortable to sleep. Wellington is “a cool small capital" – Lonely Planet. There is nothing more to add. We did a guided tour through the parliament building and walked a bit around the city centre.


From Wellington to Picton with the Interislander Ferry in the afternoon. On the one hand it was a bit like the Irish coastline on the other hand there was awesome blue water and pretty nice small beaches.



Ireland New Zealand

28 April 2012 – Jan, Sasha and their Van

On board of the Interislander Ferry we met Jan and Sascha, two Germans with a van, who took us from Picton to Nelson. In Nelson I got confronted with the reality of New Zealand. Backpackers, Backpackers, Backpackers, Hostels for more than 18 € per night and at least every second person is from good old Germany. So far I don’t like New Zealand. The landscape is ok, hostels are expensive but good and the culture… are backpackers a culture? (What do you think about the radio on the right picture, good idea, isn’t it?)


Next stop Takaka…