Friday, June 8, 2012

Boring Days in Paradise

31 May – 02 June 2012 – When it rains in paradise

Since there was just rain the 3 days I was in Surfers Paradise, I wasn’t able to go surfing. It might have been possible but for me it was too cold and too wet. Hence I stayed in the hostel all the time and planned my trip in Queensland. However, if you can’t sweat in the sun, it’s good to have a hostel with sauna and pool. (But no worries, I still take the cheapest ones. If you can use the word “cheap” in OZ, because everything is unbelievable expensive. This one, for instance, was 24 AUD (about 18 €) per night. Compared to South America, where I usually took hostels for less than 10 € per night, it’s nearly twice the price.) So don’t think a round the world trip is always exciting… ok, mostly it is but not always.


03-04 June 2012 – Waiting for and in the train

I think I already wrote that I bought a rail pass for my travel through Queensland, especially along the east coast of Australia. I decided to start with the longest trip first, form Brisbane to Cairns, 31 hours by train. From Surfers Paradise to Brisbane I took the bus in the evening of June the 2nd. Actually I wanted to stay the night at the bus terminal and take the train in the morning, but unfortunately the bus terminal got closed for the night and I had to find a hostel. Since all the hostels were too expensive for me, what meant that I wouldn’t spend 28-30 AUD for just a few hours in a bunk bed, I stayed awake all night long, first at a bus stop, until a very hammered guy sat next to me, than on a nice bank in front of a cafe.


Eventually, I took the train at 9 am and rode to Cairns. I thought it would be worse to ride 31 hours by train but it wasn’t that bad, with some movies and good music, even the seats felt like a luxurious bed after the night before and I slept pretty well.


Are you wondering if I took a lot of pictures of the landscape and want to post them? I didn’t. Here is one and you know quite everything along the railway I’ve seen.


Next stop Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef…