Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Water, water, water fall …

9 Feb 2012 - Finally, after 26 hours bus drive from Rio de Janeiro, I arrived in Foz do Iguazu

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The Hostel's Pool The Hostel

10 Feb 2012 – Iguazu Falls, Brazil

In the hostel I met Oren (Just kept his name in mind by thinking of “Ohren”). We went to the Iguazu Falls – AMAZING but look at the pictures!

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11 Feb 2012 – Iguazu Falls, Argentina

In the morning I met Alex aus dem Badnerland, mal wieder etwas Deutsch! He came to Foz to see the Falls like me and he was at the Falls one day ago but only in Brazil, like me! So we went to the Iguazu Falls once again, but this time we had to cross the border to Argentina. We joined some Brazilian guys since Alex thought they would go there. We shared a taxi, passed the border, drove to Puerto Iguazu and got to a city market. It was quiet nice to see the small differences just some km away form Brazil in Argentina. I felt much safer and it was much cleaner everywhere. After some cheese and olives, we sat down for a beer and enjoyed the life! Suddenly, the Brazilian said, they want to go to the casino now and Alex realized that his Portuguese wasn’t that good he thought. Alex and I hat to catch a bus to the falls, which we found luckily just around the corner.

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Now have a look around and choose your side to visit…

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In the evening we went home by bus, had to wait for 1.5 hours at the border to brazil and shot some avocados form the tree.

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12 Feb 2012 – Itaipu Dam, Brazil / Paraguay …when big becomes a new dimension

Another beautiful day in Brazil began. Alex and I ate as much as we can at the breakfast – obvious because it’s free. Than we went to the Itaipu Dam, the world seconds largest hydroelectric power plant after the Three Gorges Dam in China with an installed capacity of 14,000 MW. This equals more than 14 atomic power plants in Germany. The annual production is more than 94 TWh, enough for 70 % of the Paraguayan energy consumption and 17 % of the Brazilian.

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Thanks to Alex for these great days!!!

Next stop Porto Alegre, Brazil…