Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Living the Brazilian Dream

13-19 Feb 2012 – That’s (his) life

In the bus to Porto Alegre I met the famous soccer player “de Canto”. He invited me to his apartment at a beach close to Porto Alegre. No time for doubts, I called Cassio, my friend from Porto Alegre, where I actually would have stayed and went with “de Canto” to the beach.



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His Apartment

His Girls for the Night

His Chef for the BBQ

His Jersey

Don’t believe everything I post, here is the real story behind this pictures.

13 Feb 2012 – One night in … another bus

From Foz do Iguazu to Porto Alegre I took the bus. Much cheaper than a flight bus much longer as well. In the bus I met Gerrit and his friend, both form Berlin. I knew Gerrit already as he made his PhD at the TU Berlin. Some years ago, I had a job interview as a research assistant for his research project. 14 hours later we arrived in Porto Alegre, I slept well and was surprised that we already arrived.

14-15 Feb 2012 – Some days with Cassio’s family

As I arrived, Cassio, who was my family’s guest for 6 weeks in Neckartenzlingen some years ago, waited for me. Picked me up and we drove to his family’s apartment. A really nice apartment with pool and palm trees. But the family was even better. I felt like home after a few minutes. Cassio and I went out with his friends at the evening and enjoyed the Brazilian nightlife.


16-19 Feb 2012 – Living the Brazilian Dream

Cassio told me that his friend invited us to join him for carnival to his apartment at the beach. I thought “great” but didn’t expect much. Just some nice days at the beach. But than we arrived at Thomas’ apartment and I couldn’t trust my eyes. Probably the best apartment I’ve ever seen in my life. 4 bedrooms, at least 3 bathrooms, an indoor grill and an amazing flat screen TV.

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  Thomas’ Apartment  
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  My Room  
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The Sea Side View The Beach Boys and Girls

Thomas and Cassio

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Thomas making BBQ   Some Surf Lessons

From the Favelas in Rio to the Rich and Famous in Proto Alegre. Thanks to Thomas and Cassio for this lived dream!

Next stop Belo Horizonte, Brazil…