Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Warm-up in Lisbon–Nothing but a Stranger

5 Feb 2012 - Saturday morning, 2 am, let’s start the round the world trip. After a two hours drive, Steffen brought me to the airport in Frankfurt. I had to wait some more hours at the airport before leaving to Lisbon.

  CIMG0390  Start in Frankfut

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The flight was quiet normal and I think I couldn’t sleep, but I´m not sure, because the time ran like on a flight. About 2.5 hours later we arrived in the capital of Portugal. Next stop, hostel. But wait, on the way to the hostel, after I took the bus from the airport to the city, there was a stranger who told me the way. And gave me a lift to my place to stay for the one and only night in Lisboa, like the Portuguese call their city. Arrived at the hostel, he offered me a small city tour with his car. I put my luggage in my room and sat in his car. Ok, I was tired, he was nice and I don’t know if I would do it twice.

Welcome to my very special tour:

The stranger, let’s call him Mr Portugal, because I don’t know his name anymore, invited me for a coffee.


We drove trough the whole city. He showed me many nice spots and told me a lot about the city. Mr Portugal travelled a lot, has been to Germany and lots of different Places like Japan and Canada.

Mr Portugal and his CarCampo Pequeno - Bull Fight Arena


CIMG0621Merkel's ResidenceMerkel's Place2BeMerkel's Place2Be



Last stop with Mr Portugal

But as he started to tell me something about my wallet and the crime in Lisbon, I became a little bit nervous. Than as we stopped another time for a small photograph at the Atlantic Ocean, he drove away! And with him my nice backpack, my laptop and some other things. “Am I stupid to trust a stranger in Portugal, where a neither can speak the language nor know anyone. There is a police car, should I tell them my story, will they do anything? What a start for the trip. But an experience I will never forget and a warning for Rio. Take care of all things you have.” These were some of the things running through my head before Mr Portugal came back, and told me that he had to turn around as he couldn’t park on the street that long. But than I told him, that it would be nice when he would bring me back to the hostel. He was a little bit pissed because he realised that I don’t trust him anymore but drove me back to the hostel.

In the afternoon I walked around the city by my own and took some more pictures of this amazing city.

CIMG0601CIMG0605What a sunny day!CIMG0609CIMG0661CIMG0665CIMG0670CIMG0675CIMG0678CIMG0679CIMG0684CIMG0692CIMG0693CIMG0700

After sunset I went back to my hostel, met Petra from Germany, who’s travelling all the time. Two month working, travelling as long as possible – what a live. At the moment she’s doing the Jacobs Path by foot. Time to go to bed and hopefully wake up in the morning for the next flight at 9.40.CIMG0732CIMG0733CIMG0738CIMG0737CIMG0753CIMG0751CIMG0760CIMG0764

Nothing lost, nothing stolen and not kidnapped. I survived Lisbon, had a great day, a free city tour and an amazing sunset at the beach.

Next stop Rio de Janeiro…