Sunday, July 8, 2012

T for T-oo much shopping and T-aroko Gorge

03 July 2012 – Just another lazy day

04j July 2012 – Night Market

As you might know, there are a lot of night markets in Asia, hence, there are some in Taiwan as well. All day long we relaxed at the pool and in the evening we went to one of these night markets in Taichung. On this night market there were mainly food and cloths. Since I’m probably the worst shopper ever, I was very bored and took the time to take a lot of pictures of shoelaces. I call it modern art and think about doing my master in arts instead of science. And my pink bag was just to fit better to the colourful ambient of the market.




05 July 2012 – 921 Earthquake Museum

Usually a museum is a collection of old stuff or re-built things but not the earthquake museum of Taiwan. The 921, what is the name of the museum and stands for the date of the earthquake on September 21th in 1999, is located a bit outside of Taichung and directly on the spot where the quake has razed a school to the ground. The power of nature was quite impressive.






06 July 2012 – Trip to Hualien (Taroko Gorge)

The visit one of Taiwan’s most famous tourist attractions we went to Hualien by train. On the high speed train to Taipei and further along the east coast to Hualien. In Hualien we checked in in our hotel and went out in evening for Wan Tan Soup as recommended by Lonely Planet. It was great and quite similar to German Maultaschen.



07 July 2012 – Taroko Gorge

The mountains in Taiwan look a bit like the Andes in Peru and Bolivia but they’re a bit smaller. And the river through the Gorge was blue like some rivers in New Zealand. The weather was great, the trails quite long (especially for my travel mates, actually not for me) and the flora and fauna was amazing. Without doubt a must-see in Taiwan!

As some Taiwanese are proud of having a German car they even have a German number plate under their Taiwanese one.


For dinner we had one more time delicious Wan Tan Soup and even if they can’t hike nor walk anymore, there is one think they always can do – shopping! Hence, another day ended on a night market with some more shopping! Shopping, shopping, too much shopping! Just to be said: I didn’t buy any cloths so far!



08 July 2012 – Hit the beach Jack


Next stop cycling trip to Taitung…

PS: I hope to survive the next 3 days cycling at 30+°C along the east coast to Taitung.

PPS: Only 19 days of travelling left, so keep on following some more days in Taiwan and get ready for the last stops Dubai and Abu Dhabi!