Sunday, April 1, 2012

Back in Europe–Santiago de Chile

23 Mar 2012 – One night at the Airport

I left Huacachina in the morning and went to Lima by bus, only 5 hours bus-ride. Arrived in Lima, I went directly to the airport and spent the night on the floor enjoyed to be at a relatively safe place, was lucky to get a coffee at Starbucks and felt a little bit like back in Europe. It was nice in Peru and Bolivia but now it was enough, enough poverty and enough attitude. Felt good to be back at sea level. The night was pretty good cause my backpack was like a matrace and some good trance music brought me into my dreaming world.

24 -  30 Mar 2012 – Some days in Santiago de Chile

Chile is more like Europe than Peru or Bolivia. Big supermarkets, new cars and a metro. My hostel, where I stayed for 4 nights, was very good for only 7.50 €. I didn’t do that much in Santiago, went climbing once with an American couple, visited the city and waited for Yassine, my flatmate from Dublin, who would come to Santiago some days later. On Thursday, Yassine arrived in Santiago, we went to another hostel and went out in Bellavista, where you can find a lot of bars and some clubs. Enough Santiago for now, I will be back for my flight to New Zealand in some weeks.







This is a very special “drink” which you can find on the streets all over Santiago. It’s very sweet peach tea and some wheat. I didn’t like it that much, it was too sweet for me.


There were also some student protest with anti-riot water gun vehicles and tear bombs.


Next stop Vina del Mar / Valparaiso…