Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sweet Ass–New Zealand

22 April 2012 – Auckland City

The flight from Santiago was pretty good and felt very short because it was during the night. Only the fact, that we had to turn around on the runway for maintenance before departure in Santiago made me a little bit nervous. “Safety first”, I thought, offered a can of beer, a glass of wine and two cups whiskey-cola before I slept like… actually I can’t remember how. After my longest flight of 13 hours, I arrived at 4 AM in Auckland (time travelling), where Flo picked me up. We went to the families house, where he a nanny for half a year. The house was located in very nice suburb of Auckland. I really felt like being in the United States. Wide streets, little gardens in front of the houses and most of the houses only one-storied.




In the afternoon Flo and I went to the city centre, had a look around and went up the largest building of New Zealand, the SkyTower. I took 28 pictures for you to have a 360° look around. Enlarge it on the arrow at the top right corner - it is amazing!






The SkyWalk … was too expensive for me! But the glass-floor in the elevator gave me quite the same feeling!





Next stop unknown…

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

South America–My Top 5

Travel facts:

75 Days

6 Countries

4 Flights

> 150 hours Bus

Most Hostels < 10 €

Most Dinners < 1 € (Pasta / Rice)

Most Beers > 500 ml

Lost: T-shirt, Mobile Phone Bag, Towel, Earphones, Cap

Music: Vocal Trance, mainly Gareth Emery Podcasts

Spanish skills: ---


View South America in a larger map

1 Rio de Janeiro – Carnival (Brazil)


2 Uyuni – Jeep Tour (Bolivia)




3 Iguacu Falls (Brazil)


4 Machu Picchu (Peru)


5 S. C. de Bariloche – Glacier on Cerro Tronador (Argentina)


Let’s start the “Battle of the Landscapes” – next stop New Zealand…

PS: Santiago was boring… no need to post anything about these days!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Beauty of Northern Patagonia

I’ve neither heard from Bariloche nor have ever planned to go there. But it was Yassine’s best idea since I know him. Amazing landscapes, great nightlife and a dream became reality…so great that I couldn’t write any post. But now I'm sitting here in Osorno, after a 6 hours bus-ride to cross the Chilean boarder, and wait for another bus to Santiago. 12 hours ahead – the bus is my home and the seat are my bed.

06 April 2012 – Hello Bariloche

After 2 rainy days, we arrived in Bariloche and the weather got better and better. We made a little cycling trek around the lakes and enjoyed the nightlife in Argentina’s second best city for nightlife after Buenos Aires. But there is one thing we underestimated, the party starts late, very late in Argentina. At 3 AM first party people get into the club and at 6 AM the party is at its best! Not that good when you have to check out at 10.30 AM to change the hostel because there were no beds available for the next night. But we made it, I didn’t get any breakfast cause I was too tired and slept 2 hours instead of eating a great breakfast. Stupid, I know!






07 April 2012 – Sleeping – Eating – Sleeping – Partying – no Pictures, no Comments

Only one thing, I got the breakfast at 7 AM and went to bed afterwards but Yassine didn’t get it. He left the club at 6.30 AM, too early to get breakfast.


08 April 2012 – Chillax and visit THE CHOCOLATE EGG

Bariloche, famous for its chocolate all over the world, aaaahm all over Bariloche, built the largest, biggest or whatever chocolate egg for Easter. I think they made it and got an entry in the Guinness Book. We were too late to get a monster piece of chocolate of the broken egg.

Than we went to bed early to get ready for the hike at the next day. Cerro Lopez is calling!


9 April 2012 – Hiking Cerro Lopez

Bariloche is surrounded by mountains and close to a lot of lakes –> Hiking up a mountain and view the lakes!






10 April 2012 – Cerro Otto

Since the first hike was brilliant we made another one. This time we’ve seen some Condors above our heads, gliding from one mountain to another. Arrived at the summit, we really dreamed of flying because our feet were heavy, probably too heavy for the 2-3 hour hike back. Therefore, we decided to try hitchhiking down to the city centre. Luckily we found a nice Pick-Up driver who took us back to Bariloche.


11 April 2012 – La Playa – The Beach

Today we changed the hostel again, because the current one was too bad and too expensive. But it became even worse and we went back to the first “hostel”. It was called hostel but hat the standard of a hotel. For a little bit more than 10 € per night it was great. That’s the best one.


Yassine wanted to enjoy the deep blue water of the beautiful lakes. “Where to do this better than at a nice beach”, we thought and went there. The beach was nice, the water was brilliant but much too cold to get in and go swimming. Another great day with some sunburn.


12-13 April 2012 – A Dream becomes Reality

Actually, we always thought about going to Southern Patagonia to see some of the famous glaciers. But as the Bariloche was too nice and the trip would have been too expensive, we decided to stay in Bariloche.

Yassine went back to Buenos Aires, and I went to Cerro Tronador, the highest mountain around Bariloche. It was one of the best things I did so far. I hiked up 4 hours to the Refugio Otto Meiling, where I slept there a night close to the glaciers and went back the next day. It was awesome. It was like a dream. It was beautiful. It was better than words could ever describe.

I could have written much more about this beautiful piece on Earth but all good things come to an end…

14 April 2012 – Back to Santiago

Thanks to Yassine for those great days. Time to leave Bariloche and going back to Santiago, have to catch my flight to New Zealand on the 20th of April.

Last stop in South America, Santiago once again…

PS: I ♥ Bariloche!

PPS: Have you ever eaten Pasta more than 4 days in a row?