Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Short-Trip to Bolivia

5 - 8 Mar 2012 – Urubamba, welcome to the Andes

After the 23 hours bus-ride from Lima to Cusco, I took a colectivo (shared taxi) to Urubamba, where Christian, my flatmate’s friend form Constance lives. Arrived in Urubamba, I should have called Lukas, my flatmate, since he was there as well. But unfortunately my mobile didn’t work in Peru at all. I didn’t have any address or anything else of Christian’s house. Therefore, I tried to call Lukas on a public telephone, but it didn’t work. Finally, I went to a internet cafe in Urubamba and wrote Goswin, a friend from Berlin, on Facebook, if he could call Lukas and tell him that I’m in Urubamba. It worked fine and I was lucky to have a nice bed at Christian’s house.

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The next day we (Lukas, Sophie and I) hiked a little bit around Urubamba, found a waterfall, some salt terraces and drank some awesome Jugos (“Hugos”, with fresh fruits mixed juices).

What a beautiful landscape:








At the salt terraces I wanted to try if there’s really salty water in the mountains. But my first try was just a white stone! If anyone else had that great idea before?



9 Mar 2012 – Let’s go to Bolivia

Christian had planned a nice trip to Bolivia, what I didn’t know before. We packed our stuff for a few days in Bolivia (no laptop, no internet, no blog) and went to Cusco to get a bus to Puno. Actually, we wanted to go from Puno to Copacabana at the Lake Titicaca but the street was closed. After a short discussion in Puno, we decided to go to La Paz directly. On the was to La Paz, we passed by the Bolivian boarder and the beautiful Lake Titicaca.



Arrived in La Paz, I felt a bit like home because it looked a little bit like Stuttgart. we have chosen a nice hostel for 3 € per night. Yes, Bolivia is very cheap. The monthly salary of a taxi driver is about 100 €. It’s the cheapest country I’ve been till now. Than we had to decide what we would do the next day, either go back to Lake Titicaca or do something else. We decided to do the Death Road Mountain-bike Downhill trail instead of going back to Copacabana. And the decision was great, the death road an unforgettable experience.





10 Mar 2012 - The Death Road

Form the snow to the jungle! More than 60 km long and more than 3000 m height difference! Wooohoooo!






11 Mar 2012 - Open-Air Market in La Paz

On Sunday we went to a big open-air market in La Paz, it was without any doubt the biggest market I’ve ever seen. You could get there everything you can or even can’t imagine.






Next stop Uyuni…